Is pest control really safe?

For the most part, pest control chemicals are completely safe. However, they must be handled with care by someone who is trained to use them or safety could become an issue. First, let's answer your question: “Is pest control safe for humans? The answer, unfortunately, depends entirely on the type of pest control you use. It needs to be said that all pest control contains chemicals intended to kill insects, so regardless of how safe pest control is, if used incorrectly, it can cause harm.

However, when used correctly, many pest controls can be safe to use. Today, operators responsible for pest control are considered guardians of the environment. Today, we are looking for ways to minimize pesticide applications, opting for highly specific products that prevent collateral damage to your area of life and our community. We seek to find the specific kryptonite for each pest.

We've learned that no matter how great the error is, there is a single element that will eliminate it. Professional pest control is much safer than DIY methods, such as using DE (diatomaceous earth), vinegar, or bleach. Although DIY methods are often touted as healthier and less aggressive, the truth is that they are often ineffective and are likely to introduce lung irritants into your living space. Meanwhile, reputable professionals know how to use minimal amounts of chemicals to safely attack pests.

Instead of trying your luck with the DIY methods you've read on the internet, leverage the knowledge and experience of a pest professional who uses environmentally friendly pest control methods that are much safer for you and your family. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also be careful with pesticide exposure, as they can be passed on to their children. If you have plenty of pesticide, store it in the original bottle, out of reach of children and pets. Children are especially susceptible to pesticide damage, because their bodies and immune systems are still developing.

Even if you manage to kill a colony, any survivor will create a new colony that could be immune to the insecticide you used, entomologist John Klotz told Southern Maryland Boys Pest Control. Even with all the necessary precautions, you, your family members, or your pets may be accidentally exposed to pesticides. Knowing what type of pest you are dealing with will help you choose the type of pesticide that is right for your problem. The side effects of pesticides can also be quite serious, as you may experience fever, seizures, loss of body movement and reflexes, muscle spasms, loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing, and a fast heart rate.

Now, hiring a pest control company doesn't guarantee 100% safety because there are still other factors to consider. If you're not sure what to look for, learning more about what qualifies as a minimum-risk pesticide will help. But if you follow basic prevention tips and use pesticides sparingly when needed, you're probably OK. They also have access to more natural products and methods that would be a better alternative to chemical-based pesticides that are available on the market.

There are also cases of children or pets accidentally ingesting pesticides placed in unlabeled plastic containers. Allowing the treatment to dry before you get home will keep you and your family safe from pest control.

Emmett Holsinger
Emmett Holsinger

Lifelong music aficionado. Freelance social media buff. Lifelong tv ninja. Proud pizza nerd. Lifelong travel practitioner.