Choose the corresponding letter that indicates the best answer for each of the following multiple options. Prevention As the first line of pest control, IPM programs work to manage the crop, lawn, or indoor space to prevent pests from becoming a threat. In an agricultural crop, this can mean using cultivation methods, such as rotating between different crops, selecting pest-resistant varieties, and planting pest-free rootstocks. These control methods can be very effective and cost-effective and pose little or no risk to people or the environment.
Monitoring is not necessary in situations where the pest is present continuously and the threshold is zero. For example, there is zero tolerance for bacteria in operating rooms and other sterile areas of healthcare facilities. In these situations, routine pest control measures are taken to prevent pests from entering an area and to eradicate any pests that may be present. Prevent pest access to the host or area or, if pests are already present, physically eliminate them in some way.
For example, this could mean using barriers, traps, vacuuming, cutting or cultivating, depending on the pest and the situation. If basic household hygiene is ignored, the effects of other types of pest control will be incredibly short-lived, as pests will return soon and in greater numbers. These aim to control the vector and include the use of chemicals, reflective mulches, mixed crops, removal of weeds that can serve as virus reservoirs, and adjusting the planting date to not match a high vector population. However, a good program contains all the relevant information about the pest control program (not just the legally required information) and communicates this information quickly and clearly to everyone involved.
Pest control protocols must be implemented and followed along the entire food value chain to ensure efficient control. Pest identification allows you to determine basic information about the pest, including its life cycle and the time when it is most susceptible to control. Examples of biological control agents are beneficial mites that feed on mite pests in orchards, Hb nematodes that kill harmful soil larvae, and Encarsia formosa, a wasp that parasitizes greenhouse whitefly. Modern biocontrol technology now ranges from (autecological) approaches intrinsic to the use of artificially synthesized natural products and sexual sterility to biocontrol agent (pairwise) versus pest methods that include genetic modifications for pest resistance (multi-species application, trophic and multidisciplinary biocomplexity.
Monitoring is important to many pest control strategies, because it helps determine if the threshold has been reached and if control measures have been effective. They are much stronger than other pesticides due to the caution rodents show when encountering a suspicious food source. Sharma and Wightman (201) cited a wonderful example in which scientists tested indigenous knowledge (the shakedown approach followed by the hen that feeds on the larvae) to control pod borers in peas, and the results were fantastic; the simple shakedown approach reduced losses by 85%. IPM programs leverage all appropriate pest management strategies, including the prudent use of pesticides.
This development allows the producer to apply glyphosate on soybean cultivation and control most weed species without damaging soybean plants. Pest control strategies are based on the ecology of a single species (autecology), which, in modern agriculture, constituted for the most part a chemical war against the various types of pests that were a particular target in a given place and at a given time. One of the most popular applications of this method is the use of ladybugs to control or eliminate aphid infestations. Correct identification of a pest allows you to determine basic information about it, including its life cycle and the time it is most susceptible to control.
Make sure you have used the correct pesticide and the correct dosage, and that you have applied the pesticide correctly. . .